Com-Steel is committed to maintaining a safe and productive worksite. Safety starts even before an employee walks on the job-site with pre-employment drug screening and safety training. Foremen hold weekly safety meetings on the job sites to ensure employees are aware of job-specific safety concerns. All employees are provided with the necessary safety equipment such as safety glasses, hardhats and fall protection harnesses. If you have any questions about our safety program please contact Sara Brown.
- AGC Safety Team Com-Steel is a member of the AGC Safety Team® which is a voluntary statewide program recognized by the Department of Labor & Industries. This program was developed and implemented in 1990 by members of the AGC Safety Steering Committee. It is the goal of this program to establish a safe work environment, as well as one in which employees are aware of their safety responsibilities, and ensure that safety plans are effectively implemented. This is a voluntary safety management program in which members actively participate in the yearly safety program and job site audits.